GOPA Projects



Study on availability and comparability of data on crime in the EU member states

The second round of statistical data and metadata collection on the availability, comparability and consistency of administrative statistical data on recorded crime and on the stages of criminal justice started on 4th April 2019.
Statistics on crime and criminal justice are indispensable tools for developing evidence-based policy at EU level. GOPA Luxemburg is carrying out a project study on crime statistics, commissioned by Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission. The main purpose of this study is to obtain an overview of the availability, comparability and consistency of administrative statistical data on recorded crime and on the stages of the criminal justice process in the EU Member States.
To finalize the study GOPA Luxemburg conducted a data collection between July and November 2018, analysed results and prepared a report on data availability. GOPA Luxembourg is now launching the second round of data collection in all EU Member States focusing on the comparability of data.

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